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Meal Calculator

Weight of dog:


Amount I need:

What's my Percentage?
2% if your dog is overweight.
2.5% - 3% to maintain weight.
Feed a higher % if your dog is active or until their ideal weight is reached.
Puppies 2 - 3 % of their estimated ideal adult weight per day Or 6 - 10 % of their current weight per day. qr code

Healthy Raw Natural Dog Food

This is a secure and safe website and shopping cart.

Benefits of Raw Feeding

We are so happy to announce that our new shopping cart is up and running.
We are sure you will find it helpful and easy to navigate. Happy shopping.
Have a tail waggin' day.

We are open Tuesday through Saturday by appointment with everything you need to raw feed! Store closures will be posted on  K9Raw™ Facebook.

Please place orders in advance on the order page.